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What is thrush?

Thrush is usually caused by the yeast fungus candida albicans. This yeast lives harmlessly on the skin and in the mouth, gut and vagina and normally it is kept under control. Occasionally, conditions change and signs and symptoms may develop. This is commonly knowns as thrush or candida. Thrush is not a sexually transmitted infection.

What causes thrush to develop?

Your chances of developing thrush increase if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Wear tight clothing (such as tight jeans) or synthetic clothing (e.g nylon underwear) that prevents ventilation
  • Are taking certain antibiotics
  • Are having chemotherapy
  • Have uncontrolled diabetes, HIV or other illnesses that affect your immune system.
  • Use products that may cause irritations of the vagina, such as vaginal deodorant or too much perfumed bubble bath.
  • Stress may be a factor for some people.

What are the signs and symptoms of thrush?

Some women will not be symptomatic at all and may not be aware that they have thrush. If you do develop symptoms you might notice:

  • Itching, soreness and redness around the vagina, vulva (the lips opening to the vagina) or anus (opening to the rectum).
  • Unusual, white discharge from the vagina that may be thick and look like cottage cheese. It sometimes smells yeasty.
  • Pain when passing urine.
  • Pain when having sex.

What does the test involve?

Your gynaecologist may:

  • Perform an internal examination with a speculum to look at the genital area and the vaginal
  • Use a swab to collect a sample of cells from the vagina, during the internal examination

A swab looks like a cotton bud, but is smaller, soft and rounded The swab is wiped over the parts of the body that could be affected and easily picks up samples of discharge and cells. It only takes a few seconds and is not usually painful, though it may be uncomfortable for a moment.

Samples taken during the examination are looked at under a microscope to check for thrush. Occasionally, thrush signs may be noticed during a cervical screening test, but you will only need treatment if you have problems with discharge or itching. Routine bloods tests do not detect infections such as thrush.

What is the treatment for thrush?

Treatment for thrush is simple.

You may be given some antifungal cream, pessaries, pills or a combination. The cream is applied to the genital area and a pessary (an almond-shaped tablet) is applied by yourselves up into the vagina.

It is very important to take the treatment as instructed and finish any course of treatment as instructed and finish any course of treatment even if the symptoms go away earlier.

Some antifungal products can weaken latex condoms.

It is important to inform your gynaecologist if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as this will affect the type of treatment that you are given.

How effective is the treatment?

Antifungal cream, pessaries or pills are usually effective if you use them according to your gynaecologist’s instructions.

If the first treatment does not work, your doctor may suggest another test or a combination of treatments.

Do I need to have a test to check that thrush has gone?

No, this is not usually necessary, however, if you could seek advice from your gynaecologist if you did not use the treatment as instructed or if your symptoms did not go away.

Is there anything you could do to improve your symptoms?

Various triggers may cause vaginal thrush, therefore if you notice a pattern you may be able to help control it:

  • Avoid wearing tight, restrictive or synthetic clothing, such as tights, nylon underwear, leggings, lycra shorts and tight jeans or trousers.
  • Make sure the vagina is well lubricated before sexual intercourse.
  • Women should wash and wipe the genital area from front to back.
  • Avoid perfumed soap, bubble bath, genital sprays and deodorants, and any other irritants such as disinfectants and antiseptics.
  • If you have been prescribed an antibiotic for another condition, please remind your doctor that you tend to get recurrent thrush in order to get some treatment for thrush at the same time.

Will your partner need treatment?

There is no need for your partner to have any treatment unless they have signs and symptoms.

Will thrush affect your chances of getting pregnant?

There is no evidence that thrush will affect your chances of getting pregnant.

What happens if you get thrush when you are pregnant?

Thrush is very common in pregnancy and it is not harmful for your baby. It can be safely treated using pessaries or creams but you should not take oral tablets if you are pregnant.

Does thrush cause cervical cancer?

There is no evidence that thrush causes cervical cancer.


Dr Efterpi Tingi

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist